Modern Slavery Statement

Tagmakers is an operating division of All Things Ecommerce Ltd (Registration Number 08425525 - England and Wales).

The company procures goods and materials used in manufacturing our products from three principal regions:-
1. Great Britain
2. USA
3. China

In all procurement cases, we require our suppliers to be able to supply a verifiable statement, independent audit or legal certification of compliance to both their own region's employment laws, as well as any laws or regulations pertaining to Modern Slavery, Unfair or Illegal Employment Practice, Exploitation of Minors, or Detrimental Discrimination based on Gender, Age, Religious Affiliation or other personal lifestyle choices. We do not generally insist that evidence of compliance is submitted, but will endeavour to establish (or request) evidence of compliance, in any case where we believe such evidence is warranted. An organisation that fails to supply suitable evidence when/if requested, will not trade with us. Similarly, if an organisation that has traded with us is determined to have contravened any of these laws/regulations - even despite having acted lawfully before - we will terminate the relationship.

In general, our suppliers have long-established trading relationships with our company and we seldom seek new suppliers.

All Things Ecommerce is prepared to provide details of all current suppliers to any person / organisation that has the authority to request such information, or to prospective and existing customers who may need such information. This data will be provided in accordance with prevailing GDPR and Data Privacy Legislation and Regulations in either or both the suppliers' region and the UK.

Our Modern Slavery Policy demonstrates our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.

Signed on behalf of All Things Ecommerce Ltd
Grahame Palmer – Managing Director

March 2023

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